ProAct International is widely respected for our unique consultation methodology that delivers unrivalled results in the various organizational processes. .
In partnership with the HRCI®, AAPM®, GAFM®, and AICI, PIMRI offers a wide range of internationally recognized and respected Professional Charters, Memberships, and Certifications.
Our Professional programs are ISO/IEC 17024, ISO 9001:2008 Certified for Quality and ISO 29990:2010 Certified for Educational Standards.
The International Organization for Standardization, which publishes the ISO/IEC standards, is the world’s largest developer of international standards, including those for certifying organizations that confer our credentials.
All our HRM courses that we offer meet the high standards of the HR Certification Institute, which is the premier credentialing organisation for the HR profession. They carry Re-Certification credits issued under the auspices of HRCI®. Each HRM course is carefully designed to fully develop your skills as an effective HR professional, and will help your organisation to achieve its strategic goals effectively and efficiently utilisesing its greatest asset – the human capital.
A list of top practical courses in Leadership and Advanced Management are available for you. Each of these courses has been meticulously designed and packaged with practical hands-on skills for direct application at your workplace. These courses seek to lift your personal, team and organisational leadership and management competences to internationally competitive standards. The use of case studies, interactive and engaging exercises, video referencing, and real-world examples from world-class practices in leadership and management excellence ensures you take away the do-it-yourself toolkit.
Our portfolio of Finance and Budgeting training courses cover the most critical aspects of strategic financial management, including: finance, budgeting, cost control, accounting, financial modelling, forecasting and reporting. These carefully designed training courses will support you to fully develop your skills as an effective finance professional, and will help your organisation to achieve its own strategic goals in a cost effective and financially efficient way.
Several business failures in the 1980’s prompted key stakeholders such as the AICPA, AAA, FEI, IIA and IMA to create the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations in 1985 to examine causes of fraudulent financial reporting.
A complete solution has not been reached to-date despite the very elaborate accounting standards, corporate governance, and accounting reform legislation available such as the SOX.
These training programs provide a broad understanding of the field of Fraud Examination — from what fraud really is, to how it is committed, detected, investigated and deterred.
Project Management is growing exponentially. It’s now used in virtually all industries, such as government, non-government, health care, telecom, IT, education and banking. Our project management programs equip participants with skills on how to roll out their projects with the latest methodologies and the use of dynamic approaches to fast-track their projects and to leverage the use of project milestones.
Our selected Project Management courses are endorsed by the American Academy of Project Management AAPM® and carry Continuous Professional Development/ recertification Credits issued by the AAPM®.
To upscale to the modern Administrative, Executive or Personal Assistant, one needs to outsmart the trend by developing a thorough understanding of the key goals, objectives, duties and attributes they probably won’t find in their job descriptions. These courses are designed to turn participants into the best they can be in their career.
Our portfolio of procurement programs provide fundamental information on the principles, procedures, terminologies, techniques and tools used in purchasing, logistics and supply chain management. Current practices are examined, providing learners with up-to-date knowledge and skills to operate successfully in various enterprises. The programs are aimed at equipping learners with superior knowledge and skills required to fulfil their roles within the supply chain by solving all existing problems effectively and efficiently.
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